Sattva Connect

Warrior of Wisdom

Join Anand Ji, a living Master in the Himalayas for a 12-day online immersion. Be anchored in the transcendent while playing fully in the relative.

“God plays rivers, birds and trees. God plays rocks and God plays you. The seed contains the blueprint of the fruit.” – Anand Ji

This Wisdom Series is designed for you if

    • You want to learn from the source.
    • You are interested in receiving authentic, pure, undiluted teachings.
    • You want to accelerate your evolution.
    • You want to live this life fully, beautifully, elegantly, intensely.
    • You want to gain a clearer understanding of the nature of reality and of Self.
    • You want to elevate your consciousness state.
    • You want to transcend reactionary behaviour and access higher response.
    • You want to understand karma and how to go beyond the ego.
    • You want to become better acquainted with the different states of consciousness.
    • You want to access more of your potential.

Course Overview

    All movement is happening in the foreground of an indivisible field of stillness from where everything arises. This stillness is the potential of everything and it maintains itself. So, there is infinity in every expression of the universe. The Infinite is hiding in it all. God plays rivers, birds and​ trees. God plays rocks and God plays you. The Kingdom of God is within you. The seed contains the blueprint of the fruit.

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    Nature is collaborative, not violent. So, when you start to expand, you will find greater support from nature. It’s not survival of the fittest. It's the evolution of the wisest. The wisest of the species thrives. And it’s not about what you accumulate. Evolution is not greater accumulation. It’s about expanding your consciousness state because what evolves is your consciousness. Refine the experiencer and the experience will refine. So, evolve your consciousness!

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    The movement of subatomic particles seems random. But out of that seemingly random, chaotic world supreme order arises and order is what makes our lives possible. So, how can chaos give birth to order? Was there chaos to begin with or was there just ignorance on the part of the person watching? Was that which seemed like chaos actually chaos or was it magnified order, like a mandala?

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    The fundamental nature of being, what we call Brahman, is subtler than time. It does not come into existence. It is existence and it is creative. There is never a dull moment. There is constant creation, constant maintenance and constant destruction. This flow keeps happening and this flow is what gives birth to time and, within time, consciousness takes on the form of individuality; this cosmic, indivisible, whole Brahman takes on individuality within space and time.

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    The Self is the supreme reality. So, we must stop trying to run away from ourselves. The wise ones don't do that. They're not interested in trying to run away from themselves or in putting the burden of blame on someone else as they have realised that this is futile. There has to come a time when you're done with that. Otherwise, you remain stuck in ego​ consciousness. Evolve your consciousness and as you elevate your consciousness, you’re adding to the collective because all activity is in consciousness.

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    We are interested in making progressive change and for that we need to have intensity. What is the law of nature? The stronger energy will prevail. So, whatever you do, do it fully and totally but keep expanding your consciousness. And, ultimately, it's all a show, nothing but a play of consciousness and a wise being, a warrior of wisdom, is able to exist on multiple dimensions of reality at once. You are playing in time but you belong to eternity.

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    The higher mind is a mind filled with Ritam Bhara Pragya, an intellect anchored in supreme consciousness. But before that, we have Pragya Aparad; we commit crimes of the intellect, we act against ourselves. For an awakening, there has to be a certain level of inner looking, inner silence. A soul’s evolution begins on the internal level, seemingly distinct from other people, and it can’t get validation from anyone else. It won’t be seen by other people. It's a very alone thing. It will show up, first, within you. It will show up in the way you think, in how you are within yourself, in how you respond to the theatre of life.

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    The content in the field of your consciousness is not arising from the depth of you. It’s arising from the conditioning, from your subconscious mind. If it was arising from the truth of you, then every jewel that floats in the field of your consciousness would uplift you. It would be like pearls of wisdom. Every thought would be like a fragrance. But we don't find that. So, we must develop no mind. We must become attentive to the content without attaching to it.

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    The soul is the ultimate witness. When there is silence, it shows up as presence and this presence is subtler than the voice in the head. The constant commentator in the head is the conditioned self, ego. As long as this distinction is not made, the voice in the head remains as the self and it dictates one's life and one’s interaction with relative reality. As the soul begins to cognise this distinction, it can begin to tap into its infinite nature. It does not remain the same. It evolves.

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    Why is a soul born in a certain location? Why is one where one is? We call that the self-organising mechanism of karma; reverberation. Certain states of consciousness are matched and delivery happens. Karma does not mean you deserve it. Karma means a self-organising system, based on memory.

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    From the yogic perspective, there are three aspects to emotion; the emotion itself, the narrative attached to it and the feeling. When we don’t have intelligent interaction with the lower emotional states, they can start to become chronic. Then the emotion is not an emotion anymore but part of the individual’s ‘Who am I’. That feeling is now part of their baseline state. Explore the nine fundamental steps required in order to transcend reactionary behaviour and move into higher response.

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    Your thoughts are nothing but recycled past but as you make contact with that transcendental field within yourself, you start to have access to non- local knowledge. Intuition is a very specific kind of intelligence, which is transcendent of thought, beyond thought. You are accessing the future, remembering the future. It's a natural phenomenon of the mind. It’s your capacity to tap into the relevant information you need from the future. Follow that voice innocently and you will learn along the way.

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    Explore all lower emotions and their transcendent states with Anand ji. Discover the higher states of being that become available as you go through the doorways of apathy/depression, shame/guilt, sadness/grief, fear, anger and arrogance.

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    From the yogic perspective, there is only the eternal now. Yet, on the relative level of the lower mind, we only experience time in these seeming fragments; past, present and future. Explore the different lower mind relationships to the past, the present and the future with Anand Ji and discover the attitudes that are more appropriate for us to cultivate.

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    Time is a currency which gets deposited in your bank account, every day, and you spend it. You don't need to go anywhere for it. You don't need to work for it. The supreme currency of life, as this individuality, is time. But how are you spending your time? This is important as if you don't have conscious patterns, you will have unconscious ones.

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    Upon death, the ego mind dies, but the samskaras, the vrittis, remain. The hallucination ends but the karmic imprints, the conditioning we are constantly receiving, stay in the causal cosmic consciousness, and we are born with those imprints again. So, if you are not releasing and freeing yourself, in this dimension, then you keep getting more of the same but as you gain great knowledge that, also, stays with you.

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    We have to be not loveless, but loving. How can we be loving? When we have a deeper experience of our own true nature. Then we can be loving in our lives. As we begin to realise Self, there is a natural experience of love that begins to arise within the field of our awareness and, as we really allow ourselves to experience this love, it rises up and becomes expressed in the way that love wants to be expressed through you.

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    Through grace, the soul starts to tap into the first stage of awakening; the awakened state, when the soul begins to catch a glimpse of the possibility of itself beyond the ego mind. Here, the soul becomes genuinely interested in growth, in evolution. Deeper within that is Cosmic Consciousness, God/Goddess Consciousness and Unity Consciousness; what we call yoga. Explore the states of consciousness with Anand Ji.

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    As one door closes, ten more open up. That's just the law of nature. Nobody fails for lack of resources. It’s lack of resourcefulness. As we are naturally refining our own Self, our charm, our joy, will always lead us to greater evolution. That's where it calls us and when you allow what needs to happen to happen it can become a doorway into the rest of your life; introducing you to a whole new aspect of yourself.

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    The field of eternal silence is your greatest ally. It does not come. It does not go. It’s everywhere at all times; always here, always now. It’s subtler than all thoughts, subtler than all sound. It’s the fundamental ground of being. Trace your origin back to the source, to this dimension within yourself, where only the Self is; the cosmic, celestial Self, unborn, undying. Totally surrender to that. Come home to yourself.

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Meet Your Teacher

Yoga and meditation courses

Anand Mehrotra, world renowned visionary and conscious leader, is the founder and Master Teacher of Sattva Yoga and Sattva Yoga Academy. Born and raised in Rishikesh, India, the birthplace of Yoga, Anand Ji combines the ancient Yog-Vedantic wisdom with a radical approach to support the transcendence of the individual and the collective. Merging the teachings from the Vedic and Tantric traditions as taught by the ancient Masters, Anand Ji has dedicated his life to honouring the pure knowledge and wisdom of the Himalayas and protecting the integrity of the powerful techniques contained in these ancient practices.